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1.1 All In - Car Entertainment Systems sold by AUDIO LOCKDOWN LTD; only; have 12 months warranty and obtain a QC Badge with a Manufacture Logo



Quality Control (QC)

Quality control (QC) is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. QC is similar to, but not identical with, quality assurance (QA)

1.2 Any item purchased from AUDIO LOCKDOWN LTD will be recorder in our files, to maintain and record your warranty start to expiration date and for all other legal procedures for both parties

1.3 This covers the Buyer for any manufactured faults/errors; in regards of the purchased item/items


1.4 Any In - Car Entertainment Systems purchased; using the same brand name as  sold by AUDIO LOCKDOWN LTD; will not be warrantied by our Company and therefore AUDIO LOCKDOWN LTD holds no responsibility for any items of such


2.1 Any In-Car Entertainment Systems that are faulty due to Manufacture error, will be cover by its 12 months warranty and therefore will also be covered by any costs of Repairs/Replacements

2.2 If the fault is caused by the Buyer then the Seller has the legal right to charged the Buyer the full costs for any Repairs/Replacements carried out 

2.3 It is also authorised for the Seller to have the legal rights; to charge Buyer for shipping costs; if the damaged item was caused by the Buyer

Warranty Expiration

3.1 If the Buyers purchased items warranty has passed the expiration date, the Buyer will still be granted full access through the Seller to have any faults or damages Repaired/Replaced by the Sellers Supplier; at a reasonable fixed cost including shipping costs. 

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